Health and Medicine Memoir Rough Draft

It was the summer before my sophomore year of high school and I was eager to begin running track for Case. Today was my annual physical at the doctors. I did not think much of it, as I always received the same feedback, which was that everything was normal. I knew that I needed the physical in order to do any sport, and in particular, winter and spring track. I entered through the glass door of Swansea Pediatrics and waited in line at the counter.  It was an average five minute wait to check in. “The doctor will be with you in just a moment” the receptionist said. She had dyed red curly hair and glasses. I walked over to the seats, blue hard benches, and waited. As I waited, I slowly glanced across the room. I found myself surrounded by young kids. I couldn’t wait until I was old enough to see a “real” doctor. The walls had blue wallpaper with fish and underwater scenery on them. There was a table with magazines on it across from me. I sat nervously tapping my foot and glancing at my cell phone. Walking in, I had no reason to be nervous, but as a self proclaimed hypochondriac, I always expect the worst. I always hated the doctor’s office; I was not afraid of it, however, I’d rather be somewhere else instead.

I continued waiting and the bench got more uncomfortable the longer I sat. It was so bad I had to stand up for a second. The wait was probably no longer than ten minutes in total, since walking in the door, but felt like an eternity. Waiting times always feel longer when you are either very excited for something, or you completely dread it. In this case, it was the latter, of course. “Dr. Denuyl will see you now” the assistant said. As I expected, I followed her through a narrow arched hallway with ugly yellowish walls. At the end of the hallway were rooms labeled one through ten, if I recall correctly. On the other side of the rooms was the main office, the bathrooms and the scale. I approached the scale and my height and weight were recorded. She then guided me to one of the rooms; six, I believe, and I waited.

I was pleasantly surprised when I learned that I didn’t need any shots. With that out of the way, I sat down on the exam table. It was blue and had oak legs, but was surprising comfortable. The room was small and had only one window, but the blinds were down, so I couldn’t see outside anyway. There was a counter and a sink that had tongue depressors and a stethoscope on it. Dr. Denuyl finally came in and I couldn’t wait to get it over with. I was then asked a series of questions, which I quickly answered. I don’t recall the questions or my answers, because I knew that I had no underlying issues that needed to be addressed. Therefore, the questionnaire was simple. The next step was getting my vitals checked. I always hate when the doctor shines the light in your eye, I feel like I was temporarily blinded. I actually did not mind getting my blood pressure checked because I like the pressure from the cuff. Dr. Denuyl then left the room  so she could record all of the information.

Five minutes later, she returned and I knew it was time for the check up. The first thing she wanted to check was my back. I have always been told that I had good posture and always stood tall, so I felt like there was nothing to be afraid of. Unfortunately, I was wrong. It was clear to Dr. Denuyl that I had scoliosis as it was present on my upper right side and the lower left side. These are characteristics of a severe “S” curve. When I was told of this, I was shocked. “How come I’m not hunched over or why don’t I lean to one side” I wondered. “Well, those are more noticeable characteristics, but are associated with a “C” curve, rather than the “S”, which can be unnoticed for years.

As I was fairly familiar with scoliosis, I knew it obviously was not life threatening by any means. But I worried that I wouldn’t be able to run track. “Will I still be able to do track?” I asked. “You will need an X-Ray, but as it appears, you should be cleared” she responded. I was relieved that she thought I would be fine, but I knew I wasn’t out of the woods yet. A few days later, I received the X-Ray from Primacare in Somerset. My doctor was Dr. Katz and he is an orthopedics specialist. I walked down a long corridor that had white walls with zoo animals on them. It was catered to children, I presumed. I had never had an X-Ray before so I didn’t know what to expect. It was surprisingly quick and easy. All I had to do was stand with my back on this board that had measurement on it and a grid and I had two sensors placed on my back.

My result was that I had a twenty five degree curvature, approximately. I then asked Dr. Katz if I could run track. “Although your curvature isn’t ideal, it will not prevent you from participating in sports. You will however have to wear a back brace, which should prevent the curve from worsening.” I thanked him and left, relieved that I could continue as a sprinter, but nervous about sleeping with a back brace.

Currently my curvature has progressed significantly, to about fifty-four degrees, but still isn’t noticeable. I am thankful however, that I was able to participate in five seasons of track, consisting of both winter and spring, and my curve never interfered with my performance. I finished my last meet with my personal record in all three of my spring events. I am awaiting surgery, which will take place in the next few years. I am very fortunate that I achieved my goals and found something I am passionate about, competitive running. Running track and receiving a total of two varsity letters and three pins was my greatest achievement from high school, as it required surpassing a challenging obstacle.


Memoir Sample

Never Fully Home from War

In the memoir “Never Fully Home from War” by Tessa, she describes in great detail the effects of war on soldiers. Soldiers leave for war anticipating to serve their country, but they never return the same. Tessa’s brother was very strong willed and kind hearted. Upon his discharge for the army for issues with mental health, he was so greatly affected by PTSD that he became a different person to his family.

I chose this article as I know a war veteran who suffered from PTSD and I believe that psychiatric care is so important especially for veterans. As there is little information about the brain, it makes psychiatric care that much harder to find treatments for conditions such as PTSD. Tessa’s brother in the article attempted to get help from various psychiatric facilities and veterans associations.

The significance of the article is that it increases awareness to psychiatric care in general, but especially for veterans. Without psychiatric care, veterans would be disabled for the rest of their lives and return from war extremely traumatized and have no chance for a future. Their lives are forever changed by the traumas of war and their families are left with a stranger in the shell of their loved.

Writing Exercise

My old street was lined with lush green trees and quaint houses.

Laci wore a green sweater over a red tank top and gray jeans.

Mr. Brown was very demanding in the criteria for work and never excepted late work.

The room had a single window the gave little light and had a large white board and concrete walls.

My 18 Years of Writing

As long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed English class. Writing was always my favorite school activity and became a passion of mine. A challenge that I’ve faced, and probably still do, is painting a picture in the reader’s mind. As mentioned in the article, the concept of the green ball, for example, is something I find challenging to convey. As I continue to improve my writing, descriptive detail will be my priority. An example of academic writing that I am most proud of, however, was from my junior year psychology class in high school. The topic was on dreams, and there was a concrete list of topics, but we could technically choose anything. I went outside and chose false awakening. What I came to learn about false awakenings are that they are a dream in which you believe that you are actually awake, yet you are still sleeping. An example from my past was a false awakening in which I went to the mall with my Dad and he bought me a pair of converse sneakers I had wanted. I was displeased to find that when I woke up, I did not have said shoes. In my paper, I wanted to engage my audience, so I provided my writing with examples from twelve other people, in addition to my own experience. I also wanted to show another side to the experiment. This included people who have not experienced a false awakening and I used their lack of experiencing false awakenings to show the other side to the argument, as many people do not believe false awakenings exist. As I have experienced them, I do believe them. After I presented my project, all participants in my study and the class present for the presentation who had doubts now believed in false awakenings. Another example of pleasure writing is a novel I attempted to write, but have yet to complete, called The White Rose. It is a suspense novel in which the prom queen and “it” girl of Orange Blossom High in Miami was murdered and her secret love interest, Stephanie, investigates her cause of death. As I have not finished the novel, I hope that you will be able to read it once I finish and publish it!